Monday, May 28, 2007

Quote of The Day

"Today converts are swarming into the Mormon church, but very few of them really know much about Mormonism. We feel safe in saying that many of them are converted to the social program of the church rather than to its doctrines. Those who were born in the church in many cases "know" it is true but don't know why it is true. Many Mormons will stand up in testimony meeting and dogmatically assert that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that they belong to "the only true church," but very few of them check to make sure that their faith is based on reality. Many members of the Mormon church prefer to let their leaders do their thinking ("when our leaders speak, the thinking has been done"); it is so easy to let someone else do our thinking. The Bible warns: "Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord" (Jer. 17:5). We sincerely hope and pray that the Mormon people will begin to awaken to the true message of Christ, realizing that in Him, and Him alone, can we have salvation—salvation that brings genuine deliverance from sin and real fellowship with the God who loved us enough to die for us."

-Sandra Tanner
Utah Lighthouse Ministry

Monday, May 14, 2007

Polygamy...Awful, Yet Eternal

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is known to many by its historical association with polygamy. I personally know by my own experiences that upon my decision to move here to Utah, many friends and family members cracked jokes concerning the whole polygamy issue.
In a recent interview presidential candidate, Mitt Romney stated, “I can’t imagine anything more awful than polygamy.
Personally I can imagine a lot of things more awful than polygamy, but that’s purely subjective. Maybe, polygamy is the most awful thing for Mr. Romney. Mr. Romney’s comment however raises some concerns as to how highly he thinks of his God who supposedly commanded Joseph Smith to install this practice within the Mormon church. The LDS church no longer practices this “awful” and “eternal” principle, yet the commandment to practice polygamy remains LDS church doctrine today.
So here we have Mitt Romney calling a major part of LDS doctrine, “awful” and yet still claims to be faithful and devout to his Mormon religion.
Mitt Romney is either…

A) Unaware of his church’s teachings

B) Aware of his church’s teachings and highly disagrees with what Brigham Young called a principle that “must be practiced if mankind desires Celestial glory.”


C) Totally aware of his church’s teachings, but like so many LDS, is trying to whitewash the issue and abandon the polygamy issues all together in hopes of mainstreaming this counterfeit Christian religion.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Reflecting Prayer Life...By An XMormon, Now Brother In Christ

"It's as if I was raised to put Jesus behind me or off to the side during prayer and then bring him forward at the end to put a seal on it. Not that I couldn't be thankful for Him during the first part of the prayer, but it's as if He just wasn't a main thought, but merely an afterthought, and is needed in order to end the prayer to the Father."

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Ministry Website

Our ministry website is finally completed and up for your reading/vewing/listening pleasure. It has been long and hard work to get this site up. I just want to thank everyone for their support and prayers to get things moving.
Also a big thanks to our ministry team; Brian Brumfield, Steve Redinger and Ron Smith. You guys are truly a blessing in my life. God is good!

God bless, everyone!!