Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Are Mormons Smithians?

Christians believe Christ, as relayed through the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

Mormons believe Christ, as relayed through Joseph Smith (and then other revelation, and then other prophets, and then the book of Mormon, and then the other Standard Works - of which the Bible ranks last).

The core of the problem is that Mormonism is subject to Joseph Smith's "Jesus."

If the Jesus presented by Mormonism is different than the Jesus presented by Christians, then there is a problem. You have 2 Jesus figures to choose from.

Christians claim that their Jesus is the same one of the Bible.

Mormons claim that their Jesus is the same one of the Bible, *but* the Bible is corrupted and Christendom has Jesus wrong -- or not quite right as they might nuance their point.

Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was right, and that Christendom has it wrong. Mormons put their faith *first* in Joseph Smith.

It is easy to see why Mormons should call themselves Smithians not Christians... But then they would have to admit the truth, and that is not likey to happen any time soon.



At 4:46 PM, Blogger Seth R. said...

So we worship Joseph Smith eh?

Kind of like how you folks worship the Bible, right?

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

The article said nothing about worship. The article said that Mormons believe in the Jesus portrayed by Joseph Smith.

At 6:11 AM, Blogger ElderD said...

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At 3:53 PM, Blogger ElderD said...

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At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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