Wednesday, September 26, 2007

4 Marks of a False Church

In a very interesting study of historic Christianity, the great folks at Reclaiming The Mind Ministries' podcast "Theology Unplugged" addressed four characteristics of "church" orgranizations that violate historic Christian principles.

This podcast series was part of an examination of the Catholic Church, but these points apply across the board for any church/denomination/organization that calls themselves "Christian."

1. Radical Exclusivism
Churches who claim that it is only in their denomination or tradition that salvation can be found. They have all the right answers, right practices, and right ordinances/sacraments. Once this is claimed then the institution itself becomes the determining factor of salvation.

2. Radical Inclusivism
Here you will find a “no holds barred” approach to the church. People can be a part of this type of church irregardless of their confession or practice. It is the church of the open door where toleration is the primary virtue.

3. Heterodoxism
A church organization not conforming with accepted or orthodox standards of Christianity.

4. Radical Imbalance
This can be the focus on one scripture or being overly driven by one doctrine, rather than balancing the doctrines (i.e. Calvinism Vs. Arminianism)

These podcasts are very provocative. They are very harsh, casting light and uncovering shadows. It is a great wake-up call for any of us who might find ourselves worshiping in radically Exclusive or Inclusive organizations that do not balance thier doctrines from the Bible.

Any organization that claims to be "the one true church" -- do not walk, run the other direction! Run into the arms of Jesus.

Of course, Christ's "church" is the worldwide body of believers... Ephesians 1:22-23


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