LDS Member Ousted for Questioning the LDS Church

It is a very sad situation, when the rank-and-file LDS members are told not to listen to the very people who may be able to provide objective truths about what the LDS church IS, compared to what it CLAIMS to be.
In THIS STORY a life-long member of the LDS Church questions the claims of his church, and he is ousted.
It truly makes you wonder how the church can react this way when one of the church prophets, George A. Smith, said this:
In THIS STORY a life-long member of the LDS Church questions the claims of his church, and he is ousted.
It truly makes you wonder how the church can react this way when one of the church prophets, George A. Smith, said this:
If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak.
Author: George A. Smith
Source: Journal Of Discourses
Volume: 14
Chapter: 4
Page: 217
Labels: apostate, excommunication, history, LDS, questioning, truth
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