New Ager's Agree With Joesph Smith Jr!

In a not-too-terribly astounding revelation, while talking to some people who understand world religions and philosophies, a conversation about Mormonism and Joseph Smith turns quickly to New Age concepts.
One such concept is that of "spheres of influence." Some New Agers are very familiar with this concept, also known as "Swedenborgian Spheres."
What is so important about Swedenborgian Spheres. and what does it have to do with Mormonism?
Emanuel Swedenborg was a 18th century philosopher, writer, and spiritual seeker. He claimed to have visions of Jesus and God, and claimed to receive revelation that Christianity was wrong, and that the spiritual and physical worlds, and everything within them were divided into threes -- three spheres of existence. Sounds kind of familiar.
Swedenborg claimed that the highest sphere, or "degree" was the celestial, the middle was the spiritual (telestial), and the lowest was the physical (terrestrial). Sound familiar?
Swedenborg claimed that Christianity's claim to salvation by grace alone was wrong. Sound familiar?
Swedenborg claimed that Christianity's claim of the Trinity was wrong. Sound familiar?
Swedenborg claimed that the Christian church had gone through the "falling away" (i.e. total apostasy). Sound familiar?
Swedenborg claimed that he was an instrument of God to establish the "New Church." Sound familiar?
Swedenborg's influence on the foundations of the LDS belief system are too great to dismiss -- if you are willing to be honest with yourself about the implications.
Read this page of Swedenborg's foundation of his New Church, and honestly ask yourself if Smith was not influenced by these writings:
A page from the exposition of the doctrines of Swedenborg's New Church.
Labels: mormonism, new church, swedenborg, three degrees of glory, three heavens
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