Monday, June 04, 2007

The Possibility of a Mormon in the Whitehouse has a fantastic article about Mitt Romney, but more generally on the Evangelical community's feelings surrounding the idea of a Mormon taking the highest office in the land.

The article touches on a raw nerve of Mormonism -- the Book of Abraham. No, it makes the Book of Abraham the central issue.

Why? Why is this book so important? The reason is so simply stated that trying to regurgitate it here will likely not do it justice, but here is the up-shot:

1. Mormonism has a unique advantage over many faith systems available today, because it has proof that its founder, Joseph Smith Jr., was lying about his ability to translate Egyptian and the contents of the papyri that he claimed to read it from.
2. This is not circumstantial evidence, it is DIRECT PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. We have the original documents AND can translate them now.
To quote the article, "Mormonism has direct physical evidence demonstrating that Joseph Smith was not telling us the truth when he claimed to translate what has become Mormon scripture."
3. Mormons have put their faith in Mormonism IN SPITE of the evidence surrounding the Book of Abraham.
4. Romney therefore has failed to demonstrate a reasoned approach to the examination of evidence.
5. Christians should be looking for a candidate who understands the importance of the battle for truth.

It is a very well written, constructed and reasoned article -- one of the best I've ever read.


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