Polygamy...Awful, Yet Eternal

In a recent interview presidential candidate, Mitt Romney stated, “I can’t imagine anything more awful than polygamy.”
Personally I can imagine a lot of things more awful than polygamy, but that’s purely subjective. Maybe, polygamy is the most awful thing for Mr. Romney. Mr. Romney’s comment however raises some concerns as to how highly he thinks of his God who supposedly commanded Joseph Smith to install this practice within the Mormon church. The LDS church no longer practices this “awful” and “eternal” principle, yet the commandment to practice polygamy remains LDS church doctrine today.
So here we have Mitt Romney calling a major part of LDS doctrine, “awful” and yet still claims to be faithful and devout to his Mormon religion.
Mitt Romney is either…
So here we have Mitt Romney calling a major part of LDS doctrine, “awful” and yet still claims to be faithful and devout to his Mormon religion.
Mitt Romney is either…
A) Unaware of his church’s teachings
B) Aware of his church’s teachings and highly disagrees with what Brigham Young called a principle that “must be practiced if mankind desires Celestial glory.”
C) Totally aware of his church’s teachings, but like so many LDS, is trying to whitewash the issue and abandon the polygamy issues all together in hopes of mainstreaming this counterfeit Christian religion.
Eric. Your continued fighting against the church will not have the long-term effects you think it will. If an idea (Restoration, Book of Mormon etc) is sound and, thus armed, takes up a struggle on this earth, it is unconquerable and every persecution will only add to its inner strength. But hey, good luck and God bless in your endeavors. :) - Jase
Jason, I disagree with your idea that the LDS movement is steadfast or that Christians are not able to positively impact the LDS system.
But nevertheless, Christians are all about leading individuals to God, not entire Churches.
Christians do not push the idea that an LDS person should Quit being LDS so that they can Join another organization--instead Christian are leading people direct of God.
There are indicators that the efforts of Christians have indeed helped many LDS people find the Biblical/Historical/Real Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers to make the difference in the lives . It is true that many of these 'converted' LDS people, after receiving the real Jesus Christ into their lives, choose to abandon the LDS Church. But again leaving the LDS Church is a secondary issue, receiving Jesus is the primary event.
As far as the LDS Church goes-as an organization, change is possible. God can and still does work miracles. But again this is not the primary goal of any Christian ministry to Mormons.
I guess the fact that many people fight against the oppression of Islam proves that the Muslim faith must be true!
Jason...Your shelf must be gettin' heavy by now.
In His Name...
Yep...just another fake coin in the purse that shows Mitt is only saying what pleases the public (his sudden abortion mind change would be another). ROMNEY=FAKE
If polygamy is so "awful" then what does he plan on doing when he reaches the gates of his "celestial kingdom", gives the little handshakes to enter, and is offered a few wives for the taking? That would be some core, but expired doctrine that I guess doesn't apply to the up and comers.
You have not been successful enough in other facets that you must now turn the political arena for your cries and personal attacks Eric? WWJD? Would Jesus judge this man as you have? Or set up this site in a feeble attempt to harm a religion that has done no harm to you or anyone else? If you were truly a Christian Eric you would stop fighting and start loving. I understand I am somewhat hypocritical in this statement but please stop judging, it is not your place.
Dear Anon,
Sometimes the word “judge” is referring to mean to distinguish, to decide, to determine, to conclude, to try, to think, and to call into question. This is what God would have believers do in love, especially as to whether or not preaching and teaching is true or false to His Word. Paul wrote,
"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; that ye may approve things that are excellent"
(Philippians 1:9,10).
In Christ Jesus...
Hello Anon,
Please take a look at our FAQ page of our site @
It might help you to better understand when Judgement is actually condemning or when its critical righteous judgement.
God bless you.
Hey Melissa,
are you also member of the Calvary Chapel movement?
Do you also believe that Jesus Christ returned to earth in 1981, as prophecied by Chuck Smith?
Dear Richard,
It's good to see you back here. It's nice to know that you are hooked on coming here. God is good! I pray that someday you will know the Lord.
Keep in touch "Richard," or should I call you "Jane Winsley" or "Dharma12." Let us know when you have something constructive to say.
Let me first preface this with saying this is not Richard or one of his alias.
I think it is interesting that you completely ignored his question that he asked in his posting. I find it interesting that many of you are quick to point and mock others religions, however when others question your beliefs you simply defend your beliefs by saying something along the lines of "Christ is my personal Savior, that is what really matters. An organized religion does not make a difference."
If that is true why have you and the others that sponsor this blog aligned yourself with the Calvary Chapel movement? And as such, why do you always shy away from questions that are asked concerning beliefs of this movement. Specifically the question concerning Chuck Smith's teaching that Jesus Christ returned to the earth in 1981.
I find it amazing that you and the others that blog on this site are so easy to attack others, but then you ignore questions concerning beliefs from the movement that you have aligned with.
I find it even more interesting, that you think we are not able to see your IP address and see that it matches your previous users. But yet you swear up and down that you are not the same person. We have offered several times to answer your question in great detail over a phone call. And if you think we are hiding behind that, then we can record it and make it into a podcast. But you have refused saying it's is not worth your time. I guess your time is not wasted by posting under a hundred different names here??? Go figure! I think it's also interesting that the word "attack" is used when evangelicals are critical of the LDS faith, but Joseph Smith says that all the sects of Christianity are an abomination in the Lord's sight, it's totally ok. Should I simply except the fact that the LDS church considers us apostates? The christian church has delt with people trying to tear down truth since the beginning. And we will continue to deal with it in kindness and love hoping that people continue to come to Christ.
Grace and Peace...
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