Merry Christmas From One Living Truth Ministries

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
-Isaiah 9:6
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
-Isaiah 9:6
Mat 10:34 Jesus:"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
The Bible also says, "...there is no God." 2 times.
Of course it says, "The fool, in his heart says, 'There is no God.'"
If you want to have a mature talk about the Bible, we'd be glad too, but dropping by anonymously and "dropping bombs" is not the way to make grown-up talk.
Matthew 10:34 is not talking about violence, but the fact that believers in Christ will face persecution, and families will be divided.
In context:
10:34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace but a sword. 10:35 For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, 10:36 and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.
10:37 “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 10:38 And whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 10:39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life because of me will find it."
Jesus is not talking about "taking" and "losing" life as in death in mortal, earthly terms, but forsaking our worldly desires, "dying to ourselves" to live for him -- to give up our lives for God.
Jesus taught peace, but the world is offended by His message.
You are clearly offended by the truth of "the sword" Jesus spoke of.
Hello Brian,
you are cleary misrepresenting reality.
I hope I understood your characterization correctly:
Jesus himself promoted peace, but the world reacted offended and violently against him.
However, the host of this website, Eric Hoffman, frequently quoted this very verse about Jesus bringing the sword to justify his own hostility towards Mormons.
Eric's "ministry" is based on the assumption that agressive proselytization is the will of God, as he likes agression and violence, portraying it in this verse.
Hence, Brian, you differ in your total interpretation of Christianity in contrast to Eric's evangelical interpretation.
One Christianity is a Christianity of peace, the other one of aggressive mission of the world.
So who is right?
Joe McCormick, can you clarify this to us?
Brian, I hope you agree that Joe McCormick is a prophet of God, like Mose was, don't you?
Merry Christmas,
have a happy celebration of Jesus' birth among your family, and enjoy your holidays.
Although your ministry is often very critical about the Church, at least we share the values of the family and rejoicing in the birth of our Savior.
Elder Gregory Benton.
Hey Greg,
May your holidays be filled by the love of Jesus. All though we have theological differences I still love the Mormon people.
Grace and Peace in Christ this holiday season!!
[fp!!! said]
you are cleary misrepresenting reality.
Let's see.
[fp!!! said]
However, the host of this website, Eric Hoffman, frequently quoted this very verse about Jesus bringing the sword to justify his own hostility towards Mormons.
Wrong. I know Eric, he is not hostile toward anyone. You are taking his quotation of the verse, and the use of the Biblical passages out of context. Again, the Bible says there is no God. Right?
[fp!!! said]
Eric's "ministry" is based on the assumption that agressive proselytization is the will of God, as he likes agression and violence, portraying it in this verse.
Wrong. Eric is not violent. You don't know him, you are mischaracterizing him and what he is saying.
[fp!!! said]
Hence, Brian, you differ in your total interpretation of Christianity in contrast to Eric's evangelical interpretation.
Wrong. I differ in my "total interpretation of Christianity" in contrast to Eric's? Wrong. He and I have talked at length and we agree on most everything of faith that we've ever discussed.
[fp!!! said]
One Christianity is a Christianity of peace, the other one of aggressive mission of the world.
[fp!!! said]
So who is right?
Clearly not you.
[fp!!! said]
Joe McCormick, can you clarify this to us?
Again this vilification of Joe McCormick... and to the point of Matthew 10:34, Joe is singled out and villified by your ilk, for preaching the Word in love. Hmmm.
[fp!!! said]
Brian, I hope you agree that Joe McCormick is a prophet of God, like Mose was, don't you?
Again, villifying Joe. You're here to rant and point fingers, so we're done. Have a nice day. I pray that the peace and love of the true Jesus Christ finds your heart and softens it.
Merry Christmas!
Hi folks,
I want to join you in wishing everyone a merry (and white?) Christmas, wherever you are.
I also want to stress that beyond theological rants, we should not forget to love and respect each other. Although this website often drifts into ranting and arguing, I hope that noone loses the real purpose, which is to come nearer to Christ and to the Lord.
I for myself have found my place in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and know that it is the true Church on earth, and am happy to receive the blessings from it.
Others have found their peace in other religions, and even if we deem our church to be superior in some respects (eternal marriage), we respect everyone for their faith.
Therefore, I wish everyone, regardless of their faith or theological beliefs, a nice holiday season, enjoy staying with your families, and also a happy new year.
Also, I hope that next year this site might show more of Christ's love than Christ's condemnation.
In our Church, we welcome everyone.
Only recently, a newly baptized family has joined our ward, and we are happy to welcome all the members (a couple and three children).
When I asked the mother why they joined our church, she stated that the unconditional love she felt from every ward member showed her that Christ is living in this church.
Although the family had some hard times and did not always live worthy according to God's commandment, they felt welcome in our church, and with time, they will feel an inner urge to follow God's commandments even more.
Ok, before I continue writing novels here, have a nice christmas, and a happy new year.
Jennifer Winston.
Hey Jennifer,
LDS or not, I care for you and pray for a safe and happy holiday!!
Its good to know aside from our theological differences we can know that we care for eachother.
Merry Christmas!!
God Bless you Jennifer....
It is really amazing how even the hard-hearted people like Eric Hoffman become soft and friendly around Christmas time.
Is it the Christmas songs that fill the air, the aspiration of nice presents, the candles that burn in the dark, what made you change your mind Eric? Is it the story of Jesus, the king of the world, resting in a manger in the meekest of places?
Christmas is a mystery, a mystery that melts even the hardest apologists like Eric when confronting him with the unconditional love Jesus had for all people, not only for the Jews, but also for the Gentiles.
I wish evryone happy holidays and nice celebrations.
Gerda Steinmann,WY.
I’m sorry we have never met, but I guess you know me pretty well? When did I ever say Jesus does not love Mormons? When did I spread hate for Mormons? Jesus died not just for me and you but everyone including Mormons. I love Mormons and want to see them in heaven. Jesus does love unconditionally! But that does not mean he was tolerant of sin.
So Gerda let’s make this official and get it out in the open. I love Mormons and want to see them in Heaven. I want to share Jesus with them. This is not about the Mormon people. This is not about flesh and blood, but rather the a spiritual warfare fighting against the deceptions that come from works of evil.
Gerda the bible profoundly and profusely warns us over and over again to not follow false gods and false Christs. Why is there a warning if it does not matter and Jesus will except you into his kingdom no matter what you believe?
Gerda, this is not biblical. Jesus claimed over and over that he was the only way to salvation and that anybody who did not believe in Him shall perish.
“Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and prayer to God is that the Jewish people might be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. For they don't understand God's way of making people right with himself. Instead they are clinging to their own way of getting right with God by trying to keep the law. They won't go along with God's way. For Christ has accomplished the whole purpose of the law. All who believe in Him are made right with God."
-Romans 10:1-4
In Him,
So Eric,
can a Mormon have a personal relationship with Christ?
Or does this Mormon person have to convert to your church to be saved?
Is there a way besides Jesus? And is this way your way? What if a Mormon found his way to Christ through the Mormon church?
Another question:
If I understood correctly, you are an evangelical Christian. However, evangelical christianity only developed in the 18th century.
Therefore, if only evangelicals represented "true Christianity", then there would have been no christianity for about 1700 years.
Do evangelicals therefore believe in an apostasy like the LDS church does? Are you part of the restoration movement Joseph Smith and others formed?
I see the problem that if a Mormon has a personal relationship to Christ, you deny him salvation, although you define being a Christian by having a relationship with Jesus.
Sounds contradictory to me.
Gerda Steinmann
Can a Mormon have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
Of course! After having a spiritual rebirth.
Or does this Mormon person have to convert to your church to be saved?
No. This person does not have to convert to my church. But a Mormon must be born again and come to a saving knowledge of the Jesus Christ found in the Bible.
Is there a way besides Jesus?
To salvation? No…. 1 John 5:12, Acts 4:12, John 14:6, Matthew 4:4, John 3:18 Do you need more?
And is this way your way?
No. Its Jesus’ way. The Jesus of the Bible
What if a Mormon found his way to Christ through the Mormon church?
I think this happens all the time. God calls Mormons to repentance and to a saving grace through His Son all the time my friend. I personally know of many. But you know what happens? Mormons end up leaving the LDS church after they come to know the real Jesus. The Mormon church is un able to fill that cup that has been dry from Mormon doctrine. So they get into solid churches that will fill this cup.
“If I understood correctly, you are an evangelical Christian. However, evangelical Christianity only developed in the 18th century.
Therefore, if only evangelicals represented "true Christianity", then there would have been no Christianity for about 1700 years.”
No…you don’t understand this correctly. And ig you would like to truly know you we can discuss these things. But something tells me you are not here to dialogue but rather debate and be critical.
“Do evangelicals therefore believe in an apostasy like the LDS church does?”
No. Evangelicals do not belief in an apostasy. Jesus Chris promised that his church would not perish.
Are you part of the restoration movement Joseph Smith and others formed?
I would think you clearly know where I stand as far as Smith is concerned. If you don’t then please read the material posted on this blog or catch a podcast. Are you referring to the reformation of Martin Luther?? Is this why you think I am part of some “new” church?
"I see the problem that if a Mormon has a personal relationship to Christ, you deny him salvation, although you define being a Christian by having a relationship with Jesus."
First off how do I personally deny someone salvation? If someone approaches me and says, “Hey I desire Salvation. “ Do I say “No you can’t have it.” Or do I more so point to a biblical Christ and share what Christ has given me….I would say the latter.
Secondly…which Jesus are you referring to? Did you not know there is more than one? But only one true Jesus?
I think I have honestly and fairly answered and addressed each one of your questions. If you could please do the same if you desire to continue to post your comments here.
God Bless...
My comments are directed for the most part towards "false prophet!!!" As a member of the LDS church and a person who happens to have met Eric and talked with him on a few occasions, I have to say that your villification of him is seriously mistaken. Eric really does care about people including the LDS people. His ministry is one of love and is directed at bringing people to Christ. He has been a good friend to me and it's always interesting to me, and pretty sad, that members of the LDS church who profess a "tolerance" and "respect" for others not of their faith are always the first to become extremely hostile when confronted with a differing view. If you don't agree with it, don't agree with it. Walk away. Don't post anonymous messages. Or else step up and be honest about your arguments. Have an honest discussion. What are you afraid of? You have the full truth, right? I'm betting you will find something you did not know about the LDS church. My advice would be to take some time to read through Eric's information, better yet, I know he would be happy to meet with anyone with a sincere desire to discuss Jesus. Eric, keep up the faith brother. Merry Christmas to you and your wife. I hope all is well. God bless. Spencer
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