Living Hope Ministry About To Release Another Powerful Video
Here is a sneak peak at the new video coming out from Living Hope Ministries, producers of DNA Vs. Book of Mormon and Bible Vs. Book of Mormon.
This will surely be another awesome video showing Mormons and non Mormons the many unbiblical aspects of Mormonism.
Please feel free to leave your comments on what you think this video will have to offer that maybe prior videos did not touch up on.
I just wanted to mention that Early Christianity promoted slavery.
Nowadays, Slavery is condemned.
I wonder whether you are "real Christians" when you hold to the bible, but condemn slavery.
You should repent and erect God's kingdom again by enslaving Negros.
Here are a few scriptures where the allmighty God inspired St. Paul to speak positively about slavery:
Eph 6:5-9
Col 4:1
1.Tim 6:1-3
Don't you believe Paul was inspired by God?
Do you find slavery to be an embarassing practice which should be ignored / not be spoken about?
"Oh, it was just a cultural phenomenon!"
No, St. Paul gave orders which are from God for us to hold slaves.
Return to true Christianity, enslave the inferior races.
Bob Huxley.
Mr. Huxley,
I'm afraid you are mistaken on several fronts here.
First of all Paul doesn't speak favorably or unfavorably of Slavery. He simply tells people how to deal with it if that is the state you are in. If you are a slave do good work, etc.
Secondly, why would you say we need to enslave Negros? Slavery in biblical times had little to do with your color, but was associated with either being an enslaved or defeated people group (Jew, Syrian, etc.) or it was because of personal or family dept.
Lastly, we still do have slavery. It is called credit. Millions are enslaved as we speak we just use different words.
As a Christian, we are to model after Christ Jesus no matter what the situation we are in. Free or Slave.
If Jesus had slaves then you might have an argument here. If one of the apostles had slaves then you might have an argument here. None of them did that we know of.
Therefore, you can't claim in any way that true Christianity would encourage slavery. Well, I guess you could, but you couldn't and still be intellectually honest with yourself.
P.S. Where does Paul say to hold slaves? It's not in the passages you referenced.
P.P.S The books that Paul wrote were inspired of God. God breathed. Inerrant.
Hello Mr. Gary,
if God didn't approve of slavery, he would have changed the status quo by forbidding slavery. However, as the scriptures quoted by me are quite positive about slavery, God wants to keep the status quo, which means, slavery is approved by God.
If God did not approve slavery, Paul would not tell slaves to be obedient to their masters but to rebel against them.
Of course, slavery in old time Israel was another situation than we found in America when slaves were imported from Africa. We don't have enough palestines in America to enslave them ;-).
Anyway, this man-made modernized left-wing form of Christianity you proclaim is as far from true Christianity as the current LDS system is from Joseph Smith.
What is next?
Equality of women?
Homosexual marriage?
Opening stores on Sunday?
We are heading towards Armageddon, because Christianity has lost its principles.
So lets return to what the bible really preaches:
Inferiority of subhuman races,
inferiority of women to men,
righteousness in the name of the Lord.
Bob Huxley.
I might add, concerning slavery, that, in context of the times, it was nothing like it was in America. Even Jesus never outright condemned the practice. But, thru Christian principles, over the next 2000 years, slavery has slowly been eradicated, altho' it still happens in some third world countries, and unfortunately, one sees the occassional foreigner here as an endentured slave. I might also add that we all can be slaves, of a sort; slaves to sin, slaves to drugs and alchohol, to food, sex, and many other things. We can also be slaves to our own ignorance and bigotry. Joyfully, by coming to know and revieve Jesus the Christ as your new master and savior, you can indeed be set free from any of these unholy vices. May God bless you, and soften your heart towards those of other races or creeds. JT
" For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
The New King James Version. 1996, c1982 (Ga 3:26-28). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
The video looks ok but I've seen better. The Godmakers is far more effective in spreading lies about the LDS church.
One of my grandsons bought the book (Mormonism The Faith of the 21st Century by Edward K. Watson) for me last Christmas explaining this was what led him to join the Mormon church last year. He joined against his parents wishes and brought great grief to me as well (I'm a retired Baptist pastor). At first I thought it would be one of those fluffy, no substance books, similar to those found in so many bookstores.
I couldn't have been more wrong. This book has shaken my sense of composure. Never, in the nearly fifty years of studying and preaching the Bible have I seen anything that can compare to its comprehensibility. I never imagined the possibility of Mormonism being the true church after spending most of my professional life vilifying and demonizing Mormonism to my flocks based upon the books and seminars made available to us that exposed the falsehood of the Mormons.
I'm ashamed to admit allowing groups to come into our churches and give seminars to our members to "condition" them against the Mormons and portray them as non-Christians and of being a "cult." I've even had a hand in having their missionaries evicted from their home when they were renting a suite from a sister in our church.
I have spent the last six months verifying Mr Watson's thousands of references and have spent over $2,300 on additional books to make sure he wasn't overstating his case. It isn't an exaggeration to say I have NEVER encountered a more logical, air-tight and scripturally accurate work. It's tremendously FRUSTRATING! I can't even find ONE reference that isn't valid. This one book alone more than outweighs my entire Christian library of over 4,000 books, including several hundred that attack and "expose" the falsehood of Mormonism.
I've contacted my pastor friends and those who minister to Mormons, seeking assistance and even bought 4 copies from our local bookstore which I sent to four of them but not a single one of them could refute a single chapter in Mr Watson's book. My experience with this book reinforces one of my friend's statement to me that among those who know Mr Watson and his work, "Of all Mormon scholars in the world, Mr Watson is the one ALL Baptist and Evangelical Anti-Mormons fear the most." And, "No one dares to debate him."
I feel the last 49 years of living within the Baptist fold, first in Texas as a new immigrant with my dear bride, and recently in California has been built upon a lie. I can't in good conscience continue to reject Mormonism just because of a fifty-year conditioning. Mr Watson has opened my eyes to the clarity and beauty of the Bible's real teachings and I'm looking forward to the release of his next volume.
I've begun reading and sincerely praying about the Book of Mormon for the very first time and am amazed at its contents and teaching. It has a power in it that is peaceful and joyous that I couldn't discern when I read it only to seek errors. I've also begun attending LDS services on Sundays and am now taking the missionary discussions from two nice young men twice a week with my grandson sitting in after attending university classes. I've agreed to be baptized into the church and two of my fellow pastor friends who are also retired have also begun receiving the missionary discussions. Despite these missionaries seem very unlearned and didn't even know who Mr Watson was, they possess an enthusiasm and desire to do good that is so refreshing to see among the youth of today. It seems the Lord moves in mysterious ways. Praise the Lord!
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