When LDS and Christians meet in conversation, the differences of the faith systems tend to percolate to the surface rather quickly. The challenge that Christians face with Mormons is in the definition and meaning of various words that we both use, and the painful realization that these words we have in common will often have vastly different connotations for each camp.
Christians often bring up the works required by the LDS faith system in order to reach exaltation, and then the LDS will point to James and say that Christians teach a cheap grace that requires no effort. And thus we begin the "what are works, what do they mean, and what role do they play" carrousel ride.
It dawned on me this morning that when we Christians try to point out the LDS works system, the LDS often leave the conversation as confused as when they started in regard to the Christian position. I think that the key to this issue is pointing out the core of what it is that we are calling works.
COMMITMENTIn Mormonism there are four key/foundational concepts that drive their works-based lives (all definitions from scriptures.lds.org) based on Christian concepts that have been redefined:
1. Endure = To remain firm in a
commitment to be true to the commandments of God despite temptation, opposition, and adversity.
2. Baptism = Baptism is a most sacred ordinance, which a person, having received it, can remember throughout life as a reminder of the personal
commitment to Jesus Christ. Its symbolism is beautiful, and its consequences ever so desirable. John the Baptist had the signal honor among all men to take the Son of God into the water and baptize him, after which he saw the Holy Ghost descend upon Jesus. By being baptized Jesus obeyed the law himself, and set the example for all mankind.
3. Covenant = The gospel is so arranged that principles and ordinances are received by covenant placing the recipient under strong obligation and responsibility to honor the
commitment. Thus the severe consequences to Ananias and Sapphira, who deliberately broke their covenant and lied unto God (Acts 5: 1-11).
(note the misapplication of Acts 5 - the threat of death to covenant breakers!)
4. Obedience = In a spiritual sense, obedience is doing God’s will.
In this analysis the magic word is
Commitment. What can LDS
DO today to honor their
commitments to the LDS system?
Commitment is a promise to DO, DO, DO. "Today I will not sin. Today I will love my wife. Today I will not lose my temper. Today I will keep the Word of Wisdom. And I will not do... I will not do... I will not do..."
SURRENDERIn the Bible, the Christian walk is based on
surrender to the Holy Spirit. Not about what we can do, but about
surrendering to Him, our counselor/lawyer/judge. When and if we learn to
surrender our days to the Holy Spirit, we are convicted of sinful thoughts, we are convicted of right and wrong, we are led in the direction that God wants us to take. Galations 5:18, "But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law."
Hebrews 8:10 echoed Jeremiah 31:33 - I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.
We do not need to focus on the law -- the schoolmaster (Galations 3:24), if we are listening and
surrendering to the Holy Spirit ... like following a car to an unknown location, the work involved on our part is in following -- making sure we stay close and watch the signals.
The Jesus of Mormonism came with arms-full of more commandments to follow -- he did not bring forgiveness but amplified the message of the Old Covenant.
The Jesus of Christianity brought freedom through the New Covenant.
Where Mormonism stresses the 4 key DO's; Endure, Baptism, Covenant and Obedience, it produces slavery to the law through works, versus the meaning of those same words in Christianity, the New Testament stresses the Lord's New Covenant plan for us, to have us
surrender ourselves to His will.
Jesus said, in Matthew 11:28-30
28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."